Escape games by "Room Escape Adventures" in New York

ROOM ESCAPE ADVENTURES brings to life the mental challenges and adventure of online Escape Games, the pressure of Minute To Win It and the sleuthing of Sherlock Holmes to create pulse pounding team building activity that will have your mind racing and adrenaline flowing.  Our team building sessions allow for ticket holders to be the protagonists in an exciting plot that evolves differently each session based on the groups personalities and past experiences.  Bring your co-workers and prepare to see a side of them you may not have seen before while you laugh, fret and beam with pride as you work together solving riddles and racing against the clock to escape!

Choose your game
Game type Any
Price Any
0 6000 15000 21000 30000
Min. age Any
How old is the youngest player: Any
3 7 11 14 18
Number of players Does not matter
How many players are there in team: 0
1 5 10 15 20 25 30
More Less
Genre Any
Difficulty level Any
Time Любое
Date Any
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